Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Who is Who?











Answer key:  1.Tag   2.Truman  3.Tatum   4.Tai  5. Tatum  6.Tai  7.Tatum  8.Truman  9.Tag  10.Tai 

Who looks most alike?

A few things we've been up to

In January we went on a strict food budget.  Our money ran out in the 2nd week!  Probably because we went to Costco and you can't get out of there without spending at least $100.  I swear we only got diapers and wipes!  Anyway, I was determined to stick to the budget and I am proud to say we did it!  We literally did not go to the store for 3 weeks, not once.  We ate food storage and it was a great learning experience.  We even finally got ride of this red wheat cereal that we have had for 4 years that no one ever wanted to touch.

Here is Truman in a bin of stuffed animals.

I had to get him in our famous winter bear outfit.  In a later post I will compare Tag, Tatum and Truman

Tatum and Tag
 Ike came to visit during his spring break and we went to the SLC zoo.  Can I say soooooo much better than the Phoenix zoo.  Tag was always excited to get to the next animal but then right when we got there he wanted to go to the next without enjoying the current one.  It was funny.  Also very fun to have Isaac with us.
 This is Tai's first gymnastics meet.  She loved it!  And for some reason thinks getting in the 8's is a bad score.  Then I told her that I got a 5.45 at my first meet and then she didn't feel so bad anymore.

This is Easter.  The kids shared one basket and it was after church that the Easter bunny came. We didn't make it too big of a deal but enjoyed being outside in the great weather.

We have a small fenced backyard and a huge community backyard with tons of kids.  They play outside everyday with all of their friends.  It is so nice not to have to go out of my way to have a "play date".  All of us moms just hang out all day while the kids play and it is so convenient to just go in and out of your house when ever you want for whatever you need.  I love it.

Tai's class had a presentation of songs that the parents were invited too.  It was cute to see all the kids dressed up and singing.  It was also cute to see how Tai takes after the Gary Wrights and can sing without moving her lips :)