Sunday, February 10, 2008

My sister made me do it!

Hey Everyone! I suppose I too will join the blogging world (reluctantly). But perhaps there are one or two of you out there that would like to know I am alive and not a hermit (as I prefer to be). My next step is to figure out how to post pictures so that it won't be too boring around here...


Mikelle said...

haha. i am that sister. i'm glad you have joined me, and everyone else for that matter (believe me, i did not want to be one of those people).

we just want to see you guys more often. now hallie can see what tai is up to.

Mikelle said...

ok, just read pride and prejudice? that makes me laugh...did you like it? i can't picture you reading that.

Luke & Shawnie said...

you got a blog! you're better than me, I have had one since november and I haven't done one post because I dont know what or how to post..But I can't wait for you to start posting pictures because Luke and I love to see what you guys are up to!

Lindsay said...

Hey Meagan! I saw your link off of Mikelle's blog. Glad to see you've joined in! Nat and I both have a blog too. Can't wait to see pictures of Tai!
-Lindsay Abney (Emig)

Mikelle said...

ok, now you have to post! I want to see a picture of your dog!

Did you get the message from Hallie?