Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Letter

I missed Glenn Beck today. I usually get to watch it 2-3 times a week. I get his daily newsletter too. A lady from Arizona sent him a letter and I guess he read it on air today. I wanted to share it with you. This is how I feel too. A lot of us feel this way. Do you? Something is happening to "we the people" can you feel it? There is a new movement that I believe will lead us to a third party-- the Independent American party.

Here is the letter:


Lindsay said...

That's an awesome letter. Thanks for posting that. I missed his show too and hadn't heard about this. Hopefully this letter will do some good!

Langfords said...

You would get along great with Lisa, Cory's wife. She lives for Glenn Beck. She and cory got to hear him live in Az. for her birthday. He does have great insight.