This is Mark and his Dad (Max) and Tai. They all eat chicken the same way--grizel, cartilage, marrow and all... like cavemen. It is absolutely unbearable to watch. We are glad that Mark's parents have been able to move out to Utah. Mark sure loves his Dad and is so grateful to spend time with him again.

Meagan or Gary?? We pretty much looked the same at age 19. My Dad is the greatest! I love his love for music. His ear is envied. He is an accomplished guitarist, great on the piano and could probably pick up any instrument and be able to play it. He gave me my sense of rhythm and appreciation of all types of music especially 70's funk. I also love that he is unique-just look at those overalls.

What a DAD! I cannot express how great a dad Mark has been this past year. He keeps surprising me. I even heard him raise his voice slightly at the kids once recently (quite the accomplishment for Mark) He has changed way more diapers than me this year and always voluntarily and happily gets up with the kids in the morning. What more could a wife ask for?

Tai loves her daddy. They spend hours talking together about everything...and have a very special bond.
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