My mom has been waiting for a post for a while now so I decided to give her "the jackpot" with lots and lots of pictures of her grandkids...
A few weeks ago, we went to California because I was coaching a gymnastics meet. The meet was right across the street from Disneyland so we decided to go. That will be the last time, I believe that I will ever go to Disneyland in my lifetime. Bottom line: too many people, lines are too long, kids need naps.
By the way, I realized way too late that there was a smear on the lens of the camara so many of our pictures are blurry.:(
While we were in California we made a trek to the beach. Huntington I think. Here are a few things I really enjoyed about this treck. 1. Crying kids in the car all the way there 2. Tai peeing on my leg as I tried to hold her so she wouldn't touch the disgusting urine and crap all over the toilet seat and ground. I'm talking ALL OVER MY LEG. 3. Then I got to push the stroller for a 1/2 mile in the sand 4. We only spent 1/2 hour at the beach because the only parking that we could find was a mile down the road with a meter (besides the $20 parking close to the beach that we refused to pay) 5. We were dying of thirst so we stopped at 7-11 and Mark got a slurpee but couldn't find a matching lid...inevitably it spilled all down my same peed-on leg and all over the car. But, why am I being so pessimistic. We had a great time! really.

My kids really do love hanging around each other and are best friends.

Did you know Tag has an obsession with trains? He likes to watch them crash. He also begs for a bed time story about "Thomas and James and Gordon and Percy" every night.
Happy baby. Tatum is now 10 months. WOW time goes fast. This was probably at 8 or 9 months.
This is hilarious to me because I saw this on my camera and concluded Tag took a picture of himself and what a beautiful photo it is. Tag is our sickly child that is sick literally every other week. He suffers from asthma so any little bug that comes along is magnified 10 fold with him. He eats very little, except for last week he ate more than his whole life put together. Part of his diet last week included a whole Little Caesars pizza by himself over the course of two days. I am not joking about this!
My kids really do love hanging around each other and are best friends.
Yay finally! That picture of them all wrapped up in a blanket is too cute. Best friends. Ha ha. Finley jumps around just like that in his jumper. It is actually more violent than that.
Ah, Tatum is so cute! I can't believe how big she is getting. Are your kids really best friends, or was that sarcastic? Because my kids have a love/hate relationship and fight all the time!
Not sarcastic, they really are.
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