For Halloween Tai and Tag showed SUN DEVIL spirit. Tai an ASU cheerleader and Tag ASU's #1 fan. We went trick or treating at Meadow's work and later Mark's work. Tai got loaded with candy and loved being a cheerleader. Meadow even taught her some moves. (hands on hips, sharp clap, spirit sprinkles)

Tag is not enjoying this photo session...
Tai looks so cute!
I know you love ASU, Meag, but you let your daughter be a CHEERLEADER for Halloween?!!! Come on! I vote a BYU gymnast for next year!!!
Nat, you know it hurt me to let her wear that. I had to swallow my pride and be mature about it. My mom gave Tai the outfit and she did look pretty cute...I don't know about a BYU gymnast but maybe an ASU one. Actually, I never thought it would happen but I have become somewhat of a BYU fan.
spirit FINGERS, come on. I'm going to start a seminar series for you two...How to cope if your child wants to be a Cheerleader.
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