...I met Mark Elias Tabla. Do you know the story? 7 years ago today Feb. 13th we went on a blind date. Mark's sister Dawn who I worked with at All-American Gymnastics said that she could get me tickets to the "Light of the World" production up in Salt Lake at the time of the 2002 Olympics. I knew exactly who in my single's ward I wanted to invite, later however, Dawn told me she had forgotten that she had told her brother that he could have the tickets, so she asked me if perhaps we could go together. I was only a little disappointed and when she told me that her brother "was blind but a good converstaion" I suddenly forgot all about that other boy and became really excited. What could be more cool then a date with a blind person? So a few days later I picked him up and we drove to Murray, got on the trax to go the rest of the way to the conference center for the show. Here are some things I remember about that night: 1. I didn't know if I needed to guide him or let him do it on his own or whatever... I ended up holding onto his arm most the time and kind of guiding him...and liking it. 2. I was disappointed when I discovered he wasn't 100% blind and didn't need me to do that 3. It was the coldest night of my life 4. We heard the "Bare Naked Ladies" playing a concert in the background and when I told Mark who it was he got really embarrassed (because of their name) 5. We did have a good conversation the whole time. 6. We had hot chocolate at Krispy Creme after and then I took him to work (he worked night stock at Macy's grocery). 7. I remember feeling so refreshed going out with someone not like anyone else, so distant from the world, so innocent. He was intelligent, spiritual and not part of "the game" that I was so tired of. I had felt an instant connection with Mark that is hard to describe, like I knew this was not the end. It wasn't "I hope we end up together" but just a feeling inside me somewhere that said that we would.

This picture was after the production as we were walking around temple square. A sister missionary offered to take our picture.

We got engaged in July and this is sometime after that.

This is when we were dating.

One of the joys of my life since I met Mark is getting him to do "firsts". I have a list of over a hundred things that he has done for the first time with me. Our first blind date together was actually his first date ever. This picture shows when I got him to wear shorts for the first time, first time wearing a T-shirt outside (he only owned 1), first time with no socks and first time wearing a hat. I know this is hard to believe--but true.

First time riding a horse. We went to Nauvoo with my family and Mark was able to come with us. May 2002
I am so grateful for that day 7 years ago that brought us together. I am so proud of his efforts and growth. He is truly an amazing man with a noble spirit. I couldn't ask for a better husband and father to our children. He is an example to me in every way. I love you Mug!