We have discovered that Tag's favorite person is Tai. Tai will say a silly word or dance around and can always make Tag laugh and sometimes belly laugh. It is so cute!

Here we were just playing around with the camera and I decided this is pretty typical...me trying to get Tai to do something and Tai just laughing in my face. Its either that or she throws a tantrum. Tai and I have similar temperments so sometimes it is quite a struggle. There are times though that she is an absolute angel and cleans her whole room without being asked or replying "Ok, momma I will obey you Ok?" when I ask her to do something. I love those times.

Good buds.

Tai picks out all her own outfits (several a day). Most the time they are quite adorable and she puts together things I never would have thought of. For the last several months I have not been able to get her to wear pants--she must wear a dress because she is a girl.
The other day she came out of the office with blood everywhere, all over her face, shirt and arms. She has never had a bloody nose before so I asked her what happened after I cleaned her up and she said she stuck a drum stick up her nose. I wish I could've seen that :)
In other news..........I found the camera! I was looking for something to wear on Sunday that actually fits me which brought me to the back of the closet where I never go and there is was. So now I can't decide which camera to keep.
Tag is getting so big!:( I wish we lived closer so I could see them more. Hallie gets bloody noses a lot...but b/c she picks her nose. She says its because she doesn't have any tissue in her room.
And I'm glad you found the camera! It's better than thinking Tai threw it away.
Tai is looking so stylish! But I know she didn't do her own hair, which is so cute! Good job. I love that she will only wear dresses, too. What is a belly laugh?
I agree with meadow, Tai is so stylish! She is so dang cute! And Tag looks so different now! He is so big!! Come back and visit again so I can see you guys! :)
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