And I had high aspirations for this boy. I envisioned him growing his hair out like Samson and being one of those kids with a cool ponytail. Or true Native American. I think it would reflect his personality and strength. So, I have not cut it except for one bang trim since he was born. Often, I would put it in a pony....but my other kids would not let me hear the end of it. Tai would nearly cry and not want me to bring him in public like that. Tag was disappointed in me because he looked like a girl. So, for a while, just to spite my kids, I did not cut his hair and the pony remained. But when even Mark made some comments I decided I'd better just do it. My dreams of my warrior were dashed. But we came up with a compromise:
Now, we are all happy! Truman can see, he looks like a boy, and he is very cool!
Ha! You kill me! I have secretly thought he was mogli from the begining! I am glad you have found the resemblance! :) Miss you guys! Love ya!
Bring back the pony tail. Give the kid a flat top. Anything but a mullet!
The above comment is from dad!
Here is mine: No, Please NO! Not a bilevel from the 80's. People will think he will grow up to break into trailers! Now, why don't you want him to have a clean cut wholesome missionary hair cut?
Please tell me his hair has been cut by now??!!
And, sad to say, the only native american warriors left are the code talkers that haven't died. Seriously. They no longer exist how you are imagining it.
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