Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fun with markers

On Sunday I found Tai painting her toe nails with permanant marker. Later I found that she had written her name on her arm. Beautiful. She knows not to do it but just can't help herself. I said "Is writing on yourself good or bad? She said, "bad". I said,"Why", she said, "because our bodies are temples". I made her attempt to wash it all off and then put her in time out. 2 hours happened again. I guess I made it too easy by forgetting to put up the markers. Plus, I couldn't hold back my laughter when I saw it for the first time, which probably made her do it again. I've got a lot to learn!


Mikelle said...

Are those mom and dad's couches? how did you get them up there?

Tai is so smart...I love her answer that bodies are our temples. Maybe you should paint her toe nails instead!

Luke & Shawnie said...

Note to self: never let Tai paint my nails.