2 cuties

I have never heard Tai laugh so hard when she was putting these stickers on me, she thought it was hilarious.

It is awesome that our downstairs tenants have a 3 year old too! Valeria and Tai are about a month apart and are great friends. (notice our fence that fell down and the condition of our deck, they are just a few of the long list of items to repair at our house)

Mark likes to practice one handed peices when he holds Tag. Usually he will fall asleep. Good daddy!

The weather has been great the last few days. Tag has been a little cranky the last few days but I figured out if I stick him outside he calms right down.

Here is our mini-van. Not bad for $800.
We just got this jumper thing that Talmage seems to like.
Enjoying our first sunny day.
1 comment:
Hi Meggy,
I know you won't like that because it reminds you miss piggy. I had a grrreat time staying at your place. I'm glad we got a chance to hang out. What sweet kids you have! Thanks for being so kind to me always. I won't really get a nose job.
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