One day last week it snowed. Alot. The next day it was gone and hot. For the last two weeks I literally switched from the heater to the cooler in my car every day. One day hot the next day cold. That is spring in Utah for ya.

A nice neighbor of ours came over and trimmed our trees for us. It was so nice I felt like crying. Mark and I just can't and don't know how to keep up with everyone else's nice yard here. I look at our grass and say hey, thats pretty green compared to Arizona yards.

Tai insisted on carrying the big branches while Mark chose the small ones :). Actually Mark did work hard at moving all the branches to the front where it will be picked up next week during our neighborhood cleanup.

Good Job Mark! I have to catch a picture when he does outside work, cause Mark is an inside kind of guy and it makes me happy when he gets out of his comfort zone.

After I pulled out all of the stickers in the tires from last year and repaired the holes we were able to take our first family bike ride of the season and Tag's first one ever!

...on the tandem. Yes, I know folks, it is pretty funny to watch. Everyone stares, teenagers mock and adults laugh...but it is sure fun.

This was precious. Both zonked out for hours while watching Return of the Jedi. I passed on that movie.

Oops, Tai and her friend Valeria picked my lovely tulips so we decided to put them in this vase. The stems were short but it looked kinda cool like this.
Today, I sadly cut Tags hair. Of course he needed it, but I wanted to let it grow long like a native american. My dream is dashed.


After. Yes, I know it is lopsided. I will have to finish it later, the one pair of scissors we have were too dull, probably cause we use it on everything--paper, food, hair you name it :) I liked it long better:(

Annual Easter Egg hunt on the Tabla side. Tai is the one with the plastic bag for a basket. (she didn't notice or care about that luckily)

Easter dinner and egg hunt at cousin Ryan's who lives in Bountiful. Lindsey cooked a wonderful dinner and Tai loved playing with their 5 cute kids. We had a great time at the Smiths place!

I love this picture. This is at the Smiths. Love the couch, love the wall. Classic.

Here we are at the car repair shop getting a transmission flush. I finally found "my mechanic". He was a Peruvian race car driver and doesn't rip people off. Once I went to firestone when I had to get my brakes fixed, they quoted me about 600 and something dollars. I found my Peruvian and he did it for around $200. What a difference. They even give me rides home if I don't want to wait at the shop and they greet me by name when I walk in even though they don't speak English.

Kids just love farms, don't they? We spent a morning at Thanksgiving point farm where Tai enjoyed a horse ride and all the other farm animals, she especially loved feeding the goats.
I just now discovered this hidden in my crammed and overlooked inbox. What a treat! I love your pictures and captions!! It looks and sounds like you guys are doing wonderfully!!! I am so excited to come down next week. I hope the snow stays away for good. We're full fledged spring up here in WA with flowers and blossoms everywhere! If it gets too cold I'll head further south than Orem...like ARCHES!!! We just bought our first air mattress (because all our beds are now officially en route to Germany) and we're eagerly anticpating a camping trip with it! You guys are welcome to join!!!!!!!! See you soon! Dorothy
What a great catch up. You are have such a great little family! Miss seeing you. :)
I can't believe how big they are!!! They are just so cute! I miss them! I hope we get to see you guys sometime soon!!
Wow! What a review session that was! The best I have ever seen on the blogspot. Thanks for keeping me updated. That was so funny that you were all involved last year about the derby and then this year I went psycho. I dont know what to tell ya; except maybe be ready for next year for the 1st annual Wright Kentucky derby party.
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