Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party

Have you heard about the Tea Parties that are happening all over the country? Are you disappointed with the way things are going in Washington and all the hypocricy? Today, on tax day thousands of people are gathering to STAND UP. Even though it is raining I will probably go to the one in Provo.

Here is a site for locations of Tea Parties today. This explains more about it too.

Here is another site I really encourage you to take a look at if you have an hour sometime to spare. It explains what is really going on with the government, lobbyists and pork. We all need to get informed on what is really going on instead of just existing in the "united states of entertainment" and being duped by those in power.

There is another movement going on.....join in and let's make a difference!

Also, watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5:00 Eastern, or DVR it.


m e a d o w said...

So did you go or what?

meg said...

Yep, we all went and drove around the block where it was 3 or 4 times and honked our horn and read the signs. It was too cold for the kids to get out and Mark was late getting off of work so we just saw the end. Next time my goal is to get out. :0