First I will name the qualities Tai has that take after me:
1. Independent- I am grateful for this, she insists on doing everything on her own
2. Controlling- She has to have everything just the way she likes it, even down to what we say
3. Demanding- She wants it...
4. Impatient- ...now!
5. Coordinated- She can do handstands against the wall, headstands on her own, can catch ball
6. Timid in public, the opposite at home- loud and unreserved at home, covers her eyes in public until she gets comfortable with the situation (3 months)
7. Always knows exactly what she wants
8. Good sense of direction (she always knows where she is)- "hey look mom, there is so-and-so's house". How did she know that?
Here are the qualities she has that take after Mark:
1. Great memory- watch out, Tai will remember random things from a year ago in vivid detail
2. Verbally advanced- she has a better vocabulary than me, but I guess thats not saying too much
3. Has Mark's taste buds/loves vegetables and adult foods
4. A little cautious at first (differs somewhat from Mark because he is greatly cautious always)
5. Smart- Tai can spell and write her name forward, backwards and upsidedown. She knows all her letters and the sounds they make.
Here are some of Tai's favorite things to do
1. Change her clothes a hundred times a day
2. Get into her leotard and do gymnastics- her favorite is bars and she loves to be upsidedown
3. Play catch
4. Cook
5. Clean
6. Go to Baseball games- we went to several Orem Owls games this summer. Fun!
7. Sing by herself when she thinks no one is listening
8. Climb trees
9. Draw on her chalk board and paint with water colors
10. Play chess with dad- she knows how to identify all the pieces and where they go but not the moves yet
11. Go to other peoples houses- she doesn't like being cooped up in our house.
12. Cut up magazines